Saturday, December 12, 2009

my thoughts on Tiger Woods

if you know me you know i am not a huge sports fan. athlete worship is something that bothers me. the latest news on tiger is nothing short of disturbing. it bothers me at the core because it is a reminder that a guy who had "everything" was not satisfied. as you probably know (unless you live under a rock) tiger has been THE headline for the past couple of weeks. it seems like they find more dirt on him with every passing day. a few observations:

1. golf will survive....hard to believe for some but absolutely true.

2. there is more to tiger than golf and money....and women. there is a deeper issue.

3. believers who find plenty of opportunity to talk about tiger yet don't pray for him are missing an opportunity. tiger needs the Lord. nothing less....nothing more.

4. tiger is or is at very least on the way to becoming a broken man. we, as Christians, should be praying for him to find forgiveness in his brokenness and peace in the midst of this storm.

as i look back over the course of my life and ministry i have learned a very valuable lesson: God doesn't waste anything. He will leverage our very worst to point us to His very best.

stop talking about tiger's sin....and pray for his salvation.