Sunday, April 12, 2009


three years ago God gave me and a couple of my friends an opportunity to start a new church. we were scared to death but knew, without any doubt, that God was prompting us to find a school and start a new local church body in forney. many people asked why we thought we needed to go to forney. some would even ask "aren't there already enough churches in the area?" there were times when i didn't know how to respond to that question. sure...there were probably enough churches but we couldn't shake the reality that God was leading us to start something new.

the vision of cLife was going to be simple: connecting people to God and one another. nothing really fancy huh?!? that was it....we sensed that God was going to do something big in the lives of people and we trusted that it wouldn't be limited only to the people in forney but that it would reach well beyond geographical boundaries and impact the lives of many from many different places.

i'm overwhelmed because God has blown away all of my expectations. people are coming from all over....mesquite, sunnyvale, forney, heath, rockwall, wills point, canton, kaufman, combine, crandall and the list goes on and on. people have caught the global vision and donated financially to dig water wells in remote villages in third world countries, helped to build a church in africa and launch a new children's home in guatemala. marriages have been restored, people have found freedom from the oppression of the financial situations and many have crossed the line of faith....stepping from darkness into light because of the shed blood of Christ on the cross.

as i looked at all the people who came to cLife today i was overwhelmed by the stories that God has allowed me to see unfold over the course of the last 3 years. overwhelmed because He has exceeded my limited expectations of what He was calling me to be a part of just a few years ago.

what is He calling you to? what is it that God is leading you to do or become that will require some sacrifice on your part? i can't promise that He will meet or exceed your worldly desires but can guarantee you that you will not regret stepping in His direction. i know i haven't.


Mike Lewandowski said...

Love it! I was thinking this afternoon in between naps in the worship center about our history as a church. We've come a long way and done a lot of great things as a body of believers.

The best part is... it still feels like we're just getting started.

"Greater things have yet to be done."

Anonymous said...

There has always been a feeling that God is doing something unusual with cLife. His Spirit is guiding this church and the people into a new place. I feel like we have only begun to understand what God is doing through His people and how amazing it is to be part of it, see it develop into His perfect work. I love an adventure...this one may last a long, long time. Thanks for your blog, your sermon today and for all you and David and Paul do to try to trust and obey the direction from our Father.