Saturday, January 17, 2009

purple cow

google is taking over the world. it is really unbelievable when you start to discover how much power and influence google has acquired/earned in the last few years. when it comes to the digital world they are large and in charge.

what is it that sets them apart? they are full of purple cows. what is a purple cow you might ask....

bestselling author seth godin wrote a book entitled 'purple cow." the premise of the book is simply add distinction to avoid extinction. if you are driving to work and see a brown cow you probably won't tell anyone about it when you arrive at the office. if you are driving to work and see a purple cow grazing in a pasture you would definitely talk about it at work. he suggests that businesses need to be creators of the purple cows.

back to google: a few of their purple cows include google maps, streetview, google docs, voice and video chat in gmail, and the list goes on and on. when people first experience the street view feature of google maps they look up every address they know, tell others and wonder how in the world they made the feature possible.

as i think about purple cows i can't help but wonder why the church isn't the creator of more purple cows. certainly there are some churches out there that are doing some great things. one example would be the youversion Bible. but the larger church community is all too comfortable maintaining status quo and only utilizing tools after someone else has made created them.

so here's the question: what idea has been rolling around in your head that you have been scared to share with anyone? what vision do you have for something new that you refuse to mention out of fear that it will not be possible?

let's do something new....let's dream big....let's step out on a ledge and see what God may birth out of the ideas He has given us.

send me your ideas......let's see what's next!

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