Sunday, January 18, 2009

sleeping bags and barbies

tonight my 6 year old daughter is having a friend spend the night. for the last week or so she has been asking us "how many more days before peyton is coming over?" she has really been looking forward to today. this moment. she is absolutely giddy.

i have been sitting back and relaxing a little this afternoon but can't escape the sound of two 6 year old girls living in community. you heard me.....they are fleshing out what it looks like to thrive in community. i would guess that within the next 12 hours we will have laughing, crying, arguing, playing, eating, movie watching and a bunch of other stuff. add all that up and you get community.

a few days ago a friend of mine and I were talking about this thing called community. in many ways it is the new buzz word in church circles. as we carried on our conversation we realized that even though we talk about the need for community, understand the potential impact of community and the real dangers of living outside of community we really don't know how to define this cultural phenomena. try as i might i just can't seem to squeeze the vast reality of community into a small little box that i can use in a message on sunday mornings. it is too organic....too complex.

this afternoon God has helped me to get a little clearer understanding of community by listening to two 6 year old girls play with their barbies. how so? well, i know after they play, eat, sleep, fight, cry, argue and laugh together they will be closer friends than they were yesterday. the matrix that is their lives intersects and they establish a new that is not easily broken.

need community? yes....

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