Friday, October 10, 2008

denim skirts and hair buns

i really need to stop assuming so much. this morning at the catalyst conference there was a pentecostal choir who lead many of us in a time of worship. they were very "ramped up" and sang with an energy that i haven't seen in a very long time. they were definitely a force in the room. no one escaped their presence (did i mention there were 12,000+ people in the room?)

When they first walked up on the stage i couldn't help but notice all the women were wearing denim skirts and many, if not all, had their hair up in a bun. here is where my assumptions started getting me in trouble. i automatically assumed they were weird. i assumed they would not be any good at whatever it was they were getting on the platform to do. i assumed our differences on the outside meant that we were bound to have differences on the inside. shame on me.

during their second song i noticed the camera focus in on the soloist. she was wearing the uniform: a denim skirt with hair up in a bun. i'm a little embarrassed to admit it but if i ran into this woman at kroger i would have only noticed her clothes. i'm almost certain i wouldn't have ever bothered to consider, much less believe, that God blessed her with a gift to honor Him with her voice. she just didn't look like a worship leader.

quick thought and it is biblical: man looks at the outward appearance God looks at the heart. i need to be more like God and less like me.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I don't know why this surprized me when i saw you had started blogging... I've had one, actually two, for a while. I keep in touch with my counselor through it a lot. It's more of a personal release for me I guess. See you at church... and I like the blog. We do often judge by outer appearence don't we?