Wednesday, October 15, 2008

fried rice

last night my 6 year old daughter and i were riding home together. she said, daddy, do you want me to read my book to you in chinese?" i had no idea she could speak chinese so i asked her where she learned this fascinating language. she promptly replied "i learned it last year in spanish!"

after i finished laughing inside my head about her learning chinese in kindergarten spanish class i told her i would love to hear her read in chinese. wow! i have never heard such gobbledy goop. i think if i were to spell out what she was saying it would look something like this: "daddyilitar hsjjtyui hinkllita ulala juxstalo lillamna ukanambe laleltlrjdh." at one point she stopped to take a breath and i seized the opportunity to ask a relevant question. I asked "what did you just say?" her response was pricless. she said "i have no idea but i am certain it was chinese!"

this little episode got me to thinking about our faith and witness as Christians. let's be sure that we know the word of God. let's make sure we know God.....intimitely.

there is a good chance that our "Jesus speak" sometimes sounds a little like gobbledy goop to lost people. if and when they ask "what did you just say?" let's be prepared to give them a clear answer about a God that loves them deeply.

(gobbledy goop just seemed to make sense to me....feel free to use your own verbiage here)

1 comment:

Barbara said...

Great analogy! What a memorable story:)