Monday, October 13, 2008

success story

this afternoon i went to a memorial service for a man that i didn't really know. i know his family and wanted to be there to support them during this difficult time. paul mcdill was leading the service and reminded me of a great quote from John Maxwell.

Maxwell defines success as follows: when the people who know you best love and respect you the most.

during the course of my 33 years on the planet i have had the opportunity to work with and be around a good number of "successful" people. some of these people are very successful businessmen and women. others are very successful pastors and educators. they are successful in the eyes of the world. i have also known a good number of leaders who were successful in the eyes of the world but miserable failures in life. people who knew how to manage empolyees but didn't have the respect of their spouse and/or children.

as christians we need to live according to God's economy....not the worlds. success is defined differently when viewed through God's lense.

take away: you may be leading an excellent business, huge church, and/or a superior class of students but if you are losing at're losing where it ultimately counts.

recommended reading: Choosing to Cheat by Andy Stanley is a great read and will help if you are struggling in this area

1 comment:

texasknights said...

Welcome to bloggyland! You will be addicted! I am looking forward to "following your blog."